We decided that the best way to get through this is to strategize – Divide and Conquer! We divided our work and my task was to find out as much as I can about Thinking School Learning Nation (TSLN) and Teach Less Learn More (TLLM) …and also about the Allied Educators. We were supposed to surf on the net and gather as much info as we can.
I have always been a little bit fuzzy about TSLN and TLLM. It used to be the buzz words a couple of years back..before PETALS and PERI came about.
Now then it is clear that TSLN was the very first initiative before TLLM came about. TLLM is a subset of TSLN…more like under the umbrella of TSLN.
“We’ve got to TEACH LESS to our students so that they can LEARN
PM Lee Hsien Loong
National Day Rally Speech, 2004
Even though, PETALS and PERI are going to be the IN-thing now, I realize that where we are today, is a result of TSLN and TLLM initiatives because they were the building blocks of our current achievement. These initiatives had given the direction and drive to all stakeholders to move forward!
So…looking forward to my next meeting with my group members and can’t wait to share! I’m sure we will be experts in the initiatives assigned to us and will be sharing to the best of our knowledge!